Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ruby vs. Java First example

First Ruby code out of a book:
def num_args( *args )
length = args.size
label = length == 1 ? " argument" : " arguments"
num = length.to_s + label + " ( " + args.inspect + " )"

puts num_args

puts num_args(1)

puts num_args( 100, 2.5, "three" )

Java version:
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Test {
public static void numArgs(Object ...arg){
int length = arg.length;
String label=null;
label = length == 1 ? "argument" : "arguments";
System.out.println(length+" "+ label+"("+Arrays.toString(arg)+")");
public static void main(String []args){

What is the big deal?
Ruby: good or bad dynamic/duck typing vs. Java Object
Ruby: good/bad you need the length.to_s to convert the length int to a string. Java can print out the int without an extra method call.
Ruby: not sure if this is good or bad, if you put +")" then you get an error, you need a space between the + and ")"

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