1) Abstract classes in Scala can have methods and val members like Scala classes.
abstract class CodeTree{
val name="nothing"
def weight:Int
case class Fork(left: CodeTree, right: CodeTree, chars: List[Char], weight: Int) extends CodeTree
case class Leaf(char: Char, weight: Int) extends CodeTree
Weight is duplicated in both case call constructors and we have code duplication in the case statements when using pattern matching:
def weight(tree: CodeTree): Int = tree match{
case Fork( _, _, _, weight) => weight
case Leaf(_, weight) => weight
we can push up weight into the abstract class. If we are designing by classes using a def or val doesn't matter. For case classes we have to use a def.
def weight(tree: CodeTree): Int = { tree.weight}
The second function can be implemented via pattern match. The types are different; for Fork we have a List[Char] and for Leaf we have a Char.
def chars(tree: CodeTree): List[Char] = tree match{
case Fork(_, _, chars, _) => chars
case Leaf(char, _) => List(char)
Functions makeCodeTree and string2Chars is given, where 2 CodeTrees are combined using the Fork case class.
Function times takes a list of characters or Chars and creates a list of pairs.
def times(chars: List[Char]): List[(Char, Int)] = ???
The coding pattern is similar to Java, iterate through the list of chars and use a HashMap to keep track of Characters and counts/Character. Simplify the problem to first going through the List using the recursive calls with an accumulator as a function parameter to track state. Print out the characters to make sure we have traversed the list correctly.
def testMe2(chars:List[Char]):Unit={
def testMe2Acc(chars:List[Char]) = chars match{
case Nil => println("testMe2 match empty list")
case x::xs => println("testMe2 not empty List x:"+x+",xs:"+xs);
val charList = List('a','b','c','d')
Add a Map to the function to count the number of chars in the list. Print to verify everything is correct.
def testMe3(chars:List[Char]):Unit={
def testMe3Acc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,Int]):Unit = chars match{
case Nil => println("testMe3 match empty list")
case x::xs => println("testMe3 not empty List x:"+x+",xs:"+xs);println("acc:"+acc); if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,acc(x)+1);println("contains acc after add+"+tmpacc);testMe3Acc(xs,tmpacc)} else {println("not contains adding");val tmpacc=acc+(x->1);print("acc after add:"+tmpacc);testMe3Acc(xs,tmpacc)};
Now change the return value from a Unit to a Map for the accumulator function. Leave the testMe3 function as a Unit then change the testMe3 Unit to a Map as the last step. We still haven't done anything with pairs.
//change return type from Unit to Map
def testMe4(chars:List[Char]):Map[Char,Int]={
def testMe4Acc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,Int]):Map[Char,Int] = chars match{
case Nil => println("testMe4 empty list");println("Nil acc:"+acc);acc;
case x::xs => println("testMe4 char:"+x);println("acc before insert:"+acc); if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,acc(x)+1);println("tmpacc+"+tmpacc);testMe4Acc(xs,tmpacc)} else {println("not contains adding");val tmpacc=acc+(x->1);print("acc after add:"+tmpacc);testMe4Acc(xs,tmpacc)};
val a=testMe4(List('a','b','c','a'))
println("testMe4 a:"+a);
Create a version with Pairs or tuples to replace the map of char->Ints. I did it the dumbest possible way using a mapping of char->Pair which creates wasted space.
//make pairs, w/o return type
def testMe5(chars:List[Char]):Unit={
def testMe5Acc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,(Char,Int)]):Unit = chars match{
case Nil => println("testMe5 empty list");
case x::xs => println("testMe5 char:"+x);println("acc before insert:"+acc); if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,(x,acc(x)._2+1));println("tmpacc+"+tmpacc);testMe5Acc(xs,tmpacc)} else {println("not contains adding");val tmpacc=acc+(x->(x,1));print("acc after add:"+tmpacc);testMe5Acc(xs,tmpacc)};
Now one more iteration to add the List return type back.
def testMe6(chars:List[Char]):List[(Char,Int)]={
def testMe6Acc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,(Char,Int)]):Map[Char,(Char,Int)] = chars match{
case Nil => println("testMe6 empty list");acc
case x::xs => println("testMe6 char:"+x);println("testMe6 acc before insert:"+acc); if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,(x,acc(x)._2+1));println("testMe6 tmpacc+"+tmpacc);testMe6Acc(xs,tmpacc)} else {println("testMe6 not contains adding");val tmpacc=acc+(x->(x,1));print("testMe6 acc after add:"+tmpacc);testMe6Acc(xs,tmpacc)};
Remove the print statement and copy into the times function for the hw.
Function makeOrderedLeafList. Simplify the problem to first sorting a List of Pairs or List of Ints. First try sorting a List of Ints then a List of pairs using function types.
Here is an example for sorting a List of Ints.
println( List(5,3,4,100).sortBy(x=>x))
def makeOrderedLeafList(freqs: List[(Char, Int)]): List[(Char,Int)] = {
freqs.sortBy(Tuple2 => Tuple2._2)
val testList1 = List(('t', 2), ('e', 1), ('x', 3))
Now modify the above to return a list of Leafs instead of pairs or Tuple2s.
def makeOrderedLeafList(freqs: List[(Char, Int)]): List[Leaf] = {
freqs.sortBy(Tuple2 => Tuple2._2).map(Tuple2 => Leaf(Tuple2._1, Tuple2._2))
Singleton returns a Boolean True if there is only 1 tree in the List. We are given a List of CodeTrees so we can check the length of the List
def singleton(trees:List[CodeTree]):Boolean ={
if (trees.length == 1) true
To compare vs. the pattern matching soln:
def singleton2(trees: List[CodeTree]): Boolean = trees match{
case x::xs =>if (xs==Nil) return true else return false
case _ =>false
Function Combine takes the first 2 entries in a sorted list of CodeTrees, combines them into a single tree and then adds this to the list
Encode, create recursive inner function first to test for branches and loop through the code tree nodes
def encodeMe(tree:CodeTree,charList:List[Char]):List[Int]={
def encodeMeAcc(tree:CodeTree,testMe:Char,acc:List[Int]):List[Int]=tree match{
case Leaf(c:Char,w:Int) =>println("Leaf char:"+c+" weight:"+w);println("leaf acc:"+acc);acc
case Fork(left:CodeTree, right:CodeTree, charList:List[Char], weight:Int)=>{
println("Fork testMe:"+testMe+" chars(left):"+chars(left)+" chars(right):"+chars(right))
println("left!!! add 0 to list");
val addMe = acc++List(0)
}else //if(chars(right).contains(testMe)){
println("rigth!!! add 1 to list");
val addMe = acc++List(1)
} def encodeMe(tree:CodeTree,charList:List[Char]):Unit={
def encodeMeAcc(tree:CodeTree,testMe:Char):Unit=tree match{
case Leaf(c:Char,w:Int) =>println("Leaf char:"+c+" weight:"+w)
case Fork(left:CodeTree, right:CodeTree, charList:List[Char], weight:Int)=>{
println("Fork testMe:"+testMe+" chars(left):"+chars(left)+" chars(right):"+chars(right))
}else if(chars(right).contains(testMe)){
for(i<-charlist p=""> println("i:"+i)
Create a test code tree with a fork node in it and verify you can see a list of chars get tested by the char function implemented earlier to test both the right and left branches for the character you are testing.
// encodeMe(Leaf('a',1),List('a','b'))
//append the a and b to a list
val tree=Fork(Leaf('a',2),Leaf('b',3),List('a', 'b'),5)
// encodeMe(tree,List('a'))
val em = encodeMe(tree,List('a','b'))
def encodeMe(tree:CodeTree,charList:List[Char]):List[Int]={
def encodeMeAcc(tree:CodeTree,testMe:Char,acc:List[Int]):List[Int]=tree match{
case Leaf(c:Char,w:Int) =>println("Leaf char:"+c+" weight:"+w);println("leaf acc:"+acc);acc
case Fork(left:CodeTree, right:CodeTree, charList:List[Char], weight:Int)=>{
println("Fork testMe:"+testMe+" chars(left):"+chars(left)+" chars(right):"+chars(right))
println("left!!! add 0 to list");
val addMe = acc++List(0)
}else //if(chars(right).contains(testMe)){
println("rigth!!! add 1 to list");
val addMe = acc++List(1)
// for(i<-charlist p="">// println("i:"+i)
// encodeMeAcc(tree,i,List[Int]())
// }
Note: you will have to use a flatMap vs. map because a map will reinitialize the list each time on each iteration. FlatMap doesn't do this. The for loop reinits the list each time also.
Clean up and simplify, change the List[Int] to List[Bit], etc....
def encodeMe(tree:CodeTree,charList:List[Char]):List[Int]={
def encodeMeAcc(tree:CodeTree,testMe:Char,acc:List[Int]):List[Int]=tree match{
case Leaf(c:Char,w:Int) =>;acc
case Fork(left:CodeTree, right:CodeTree, charList:List[Char], weight:Int)=>{
val addMe = acc++List(0)
}else //if(chars(right).contains(testMe)){
val addMe = acc++List(1)
//decode, first step iterate through the list
def decodeA(tree: CodeTree, bits: List[Bit]): Unit = {
def decodeAcc(tree: CodeTree, bits: List[Bit]):Unit = tree match{
case Leaf(c:Char,w:Int) => println("leaf")
case Fork(left:CodeTree, right:CodeTree, _,_ )=> bits match{
case Nil=>println("Nil list")
case x::xs=>println("x:"+x+" xs:"+xs); decodeAcc(tree, xs)
decodeA(Fork(Leaf('a',2),Leaf('b',3),List('a', 'b'),5),List(0,1,0,1,0,1))
Test for 0 and 1, add the letter encoding to the accumulator.
//decode, iterate through list, add accumulator
def decodeB(ptree: CodeTree, bits: List[Bit]): List[Char] = {
def decodeAcc(tree: CodeTree, bits: List[Bit],acc:List[Char]):List[Char] = tree match{
case Leaf(c:Char,w:Int) => println("leaf c:"+c+" acc:"+acc ); decodeAcc(ptree,bits,List(c)++acc)
case Fork(left:CodeTree, right:CodeTree, list:List[Char], w:Int )=> bits match{
case Nil=>println("Nil"); acc
case x::xs=>println("x:"+x+" xs:"+xs);
if(x==0) {
println("found 0 acc:"+acc)
println("found 1 acc:"+acc)
val b = decodeB(Fork(Leaf('a',2),Leaf('b',3),List('a', 'b'),5),List(0,1,0,1,0,1))
//decode, iterate through list, add accumulator
def decodeB(ptree: CodeTree, bits: List[Bit]): List[Char] = {
def decodeAcc(tree: CodeTree, bits: List[Bit],acc:List[Char]):List[Char] = tree match{
case Leaf(c:Char,w:Int) => println("leaf c:"+c+" acc:"+acc ); decodeAcc(ptree,bits,List(c)++acc)
case Fork(left:CodeTree, right:CodeTree, list:List[Char], w:Int )=> bits match{
case Nil=>println("Nil"); acc
case x::xs=>println("x:"+x+" xs:"+xs);
if(x==0) {
println("found 0 acc:"+acc)
println("found 1 acc:"+acc)
val b = decodeB(Fork(Leaf('a',2),Leaf('b',3),List('a', 'b'),5),List(0,1,0,1,0,1))
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